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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

School Vision

As a Catholic School, St. Mary’s Primary School aims to provide all its pupils with the best education possible in a welcoming, happy and caring environment where every member of the school community can feel secure, valued and respected as an individual. We welcome children from all backgrounds into our community, to partake fully in school life, have fun, make friends and achieve success. We aim to build an atmosphere of trust, openness and honesty which promotes the talents, gifts and dignity of everyone in the school community.

We will maintain a clean attractive and welcoming school. Children will be encouraged to maintain an organised school, developing a respect for their own and others property. Children are encouraged to form their own opinions, make decisions, get involved and understand the impact their own and other’s actions have on the environment.

We seek high standards of educational achievement from our children and high standards of professionalism from our teachers, staff and governors. The children should be interested in their activities and be well motivated due to effective teacher planning and delivery. We aim to develop a learning environment which celebrates the children’s success and encourages the children to try new ideas without fear of failure. We aim to foster behaviour, which enables children to have respect for themselves and others and to act responsibly with an awareness of boundaries.

We recognise the essential role that parents have in developing their child’s education. We aim to foster an ethos of partnership where parents feel supported in their concerns and recognise the school as a place, which is open and receptive of their needs.

We aim for effective communication between children, staff, parents and governors, which will provide a sound basis for working and learning together. St. Mary’s will be a school which reflects its community, working in partnership with all the other community organisations in the Parish of  Killeeshil to create an environment which helps all children to develop to their full potential.