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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

St. Mary's Facelift Project

4th Oct 2020

During lockdown our school community was suddenly forced apart, but as a school we worked hard to retain that sense of community which is key to our ethos.

During the Summer months we planned a School Facelift Project that would help us to reconnect with our parents, children and wider school community. The response was amazing. Many parents gave freely of their time to work on a range of projects to enhance the school grounds.

The well being of our school children is a key priority in St. Mary’s and this was the driving force behind the School Facelift Project.

The local community rallied together to ensure that the school was colourful, bright and welcoming for all the children and that the return to school would be an exciting and positive experience.

We have been overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of the Killeeshil community. On behalf of St. Mary’s, I would like to extend a huge thank you to all of the volunteers and to everyone who kindly donated money and resources to the School Facelift Project.

The excitement and smiles on the children’s faces on their return to school has been heart warming for everyone in St. Mary’s!

The project has been a huge success and has gone a long way to helping support the children as they transition back to school! Please see a selection of photos below showcasing the wonderful work completed by our parents and school community. 

Thank you from everyone at St. Mary's!

Mrs Louise Quinn



Art Murals


A huge thank you to local artists Karina and Natasha! The outdoor classroom has been transformed and is now an inviting, bright and vibrant outdoor learning area for the children! The children have enjoyed taking part in their reading lessons and completing a range of other activities in their newly decorated outdoor classroom. 

Karina and Natasha also painted a beautiful mural in the bicycle shelter. The mural encapsulates the joy of learning and our proud history of both Music and Sporting Achievement in St. Mary's. 



Buddy Bench


The Buddy Bench has been a welcome addition to our school playground. Buddy benches are used to address loneliness and foster friendship in the playground. The Buddy Bench has been personalised with an inscription designed to help spread the message of inclusion and kindness in school. The only way to have a friend is to be one ... Any children who are upset, have no-one to play with, or who wish to talk about a concern can go to the Buddy Bench. Break-time  and Lunch-time supervisors or any pupil can foster a sense of friendship by looking after, chatting to or playing with a child sitting on the Buddy Bench.The Buddy Bench has been placed away from very active areas of the playground and the children have enjoyed using it for quiet reading time. 



Power Washing & Window Cleaning


Over the summer a team of  parents gave the school grounds, walls and buildings a thorough clean using power washers.  After the power washing was completed all the windows in the school were professionally cleaned. Thank you to all the men involved in transforming the appearance of the school grounds, buildings and windows!





Thank you to everyone who carried out a range of extensive painting work around the school and helping to create a welcoming environment for the children returning to school.


Beautiful Outdoor Learning Environment!


Thank you to everyone who worked so hard over the summer and helped to create a welcoming outdoor learning environment for our children. The landscaping that has been completed has helped to enhance the overall appearance of our school and the transformation of the school grounds has been phenomenal! The children now have a  fun, exciting, and beautiful place to play and learn. The generous donations have allowed for a complete makeover of the school grounds and picnic area. A huge thank you  from all at St. Mary's! 


Bug Hotel


The Bug Hotel has been a big hit in St. Mary's! The children have enjoyed exploring the Bug Hotel and observing a variety of mini beasts. This new learning area will certainly enhance the children's learning and develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them! 


Fairy Garden


Thank you to everyone who worked on the Fairy Garden! The children love playing in this magical area and using their imaginations during play!