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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

Primary 3 "Down Memory Lane" topic

16th Nov 2021

Primary 3 have started their "Down Memory Lane" topic for World Around Us.  They have been looking at artefacts from the past.  The children have been using their thinking skills to come up with questions about the artefacts.  They were working in groups, sharing ideas, taking turns, being creative and problem solving.  The children were learning about questions in their literacy work and were able to come up with super questions about the artefacts, including:-

Who invented it?

Where did it come from?

What is it?

What was it used for?

Why did they need it?

What material is it made from?

How old is it?

How does it work?

Who is in the photograph?

The children really enjoyed the lesson and will continue to learn about what life was like in the past!