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St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh

Parent E-Safety Workshop

21st Nov 2022

Dear Parent/Guardian,

St. Mary's has employed REIM Training Solutions to deliver an E-Safety Workshop to parents via Zoom on Monday 28th November at 7.00 pm.

The workshop will educate parents in the practical skills needed to set up parental controls and protect their children online while using PC/Laptop, Android or 'I' device.

The workshop will also educate parents on how to keep children safe while using social media sites and tips on dealing with cyber-bullying.

To safeguard our children, it is important that all parents promote e-Safety in the home and monitor their child's Internet use.

We strongly recommend all parents to avail of this Internet Safety training. Most parents understand the importance of promoting e-safety in the home and monitoring internet use but often lack the technological skills to protect their children whilst online. This workshop will help and guide parents on how to set up parental controls for example. Once you’ve got Parental Controls set up you can let your child use their device without having to worry so much that they’ll see or hear anything inappropriate

If you would like to attend please complete the reply slip sent home with your child and we will email the Zoom Link.

Kind regards,

Louise Quinn